Consumer Confidence Reports

Every year each community public water system in the state of Mississippi is required to prepare and make available to all customers a Consumer Confidence Report (CCR). The CCR must contain information on the quality of the water delivered by the water system and characterize the risks, if any, from exposure to contaminants detected in the drinking water in an accurate and understandable manner.

1: Required Information about the Water System • Name/phone number of contact person • Information on public participation opportunities • Information for non-English speaking populations, if applicable

2: Source(s) of Water • Type, name, and general location of water sources • Availability of source water assessment • Information on significant sources of contamination, if available

3: Definitions (specific language) • MCL • MCLG • Others as needed

4: Reported Levels of Detected Contaminants • Table summarizing data on detected regulated & unregulated contaminants • Known or likely source of each detected contaminant • Health effects language and explanation for any violations or exceedances

5: Information on Monitoring for Cryptosporidium, Radon, and Other Contaminants • Warning for vulnerable populations about Cryptosporidium, if detected • Explanation of radon and its presence in the finished water, if detected • Explanation of unregulated contaminants and their presence in drinking water, if detected

6: Compliance with Other Drinking Water Regulations • Explanation of violations, potential health effects, and steps taken to correct the violations • Special notices for GWR

7: Variances and Exemptions • Explanation of variance/exemption, if applicable

8: Required Educational Information (specific language) • Explanation regarding contaminants that may reasonably be expected to be found in drinking water, including bottled water • Information to customers that some people may be more vulnerable to contaminants in drinking water • Explanation of contaminants and their presence in drinking water, if detected • Informational statements on arsenic and nitrate, if necessary, and lead, always required

Basic CCR Requirements